On Bliss Junkie, I only share products or services I absolutely love and have used myself. That being said, my content may contain affiliate links and if you choose to purchase a product through my site, I can help pay rent with this little corner of the internet. Recently, I've become fascinated with a lost art: honoring The Sabbath. I used to believe going to church for an hour was the best way to practice this. However, that only accounts for 1/24 of my day. Is that honestly much of a sacrifice? I've toyed with writing this post for a while-- A YEAR TO BE EXACT. When I was drafting this, I decided to read an old post that was similar, "My Sunday Routine." When I landed on the page, the date read "August 27th, 2017." GUYS THAT IS WEIRD. Lemme tell ya why. Last year, when I wrote that post, I wasn't ecstatic about it. I loved the idea, but I couldn't place the right grit. Bloggers must meet deadlines, so I posted it regardless. Although, the idea of writing about the Sabbath continued to brew. 365 days later I've found my groove and put together Nine Habits I Like to Practice on The Sabbath... 1. Create Sabbath day rules.My rules include:
*I know things happen. This past week my homework plan fell through. I HAD to do an hour of homework on Sunday, because it was due that night. Along with that, there's plenty of Sundays where I FORGET about social media for half of the day. When that happens, I just take off Monday too to even it out. At first, I was pretty disappointed. Seriously Logan? How did you let that happen? Then again, I was totally missing the point. My job is to worship, show honor, and rest in Him on these days. Not count the hours I didn't spend with Him and kick myself for screwing up a schedule I CREATED. Practicing a new routine comes with trial + error. Plus, we have a God who'd rather look at our heart and effort. OH YEAH and when I went to finish that leftover homework, THERE WAS NONE. My professor accidentally duplicated our last assignment. Lol, things work out. It's 2021 now and I still love these rules! Lately, I've been checking my email on Sundays, but this would be fun to get rid of again! For work, I've been doing part time marketing for Steadfast Security. Hit them up if you're looking for a security system for your home or business :) That being said, I condense my hours to be done Mon-Fri to avoid working on the weekends. This has made it so nice to keeping my Sunday clear! Biiiig update. I graduated!! No more homework for me. I've waited so long for this day! I graduated this past December with my Bachelor's and a concentration in Nonprofit Management. 2. Set up a worship routine.I normally watch Elevation Church online, spend 15 minutes in silence, and then say a prayer. I've been watching Elevation for a few years now and I LOVE snuggling up with a hot coffee + good message. Steven Furtick, the pastor, has also written a couple bible plans I ADORE. Check out my favorites on the bible app: Sun Stand Still and Crash the Chatterbox. You can read them on a desktop computer as well! If you're looking to shake up your prayer life, try starting a war room. :) I take you through three easy steps here! Also, if you haven't seen this movie, YOU NEED TO. It's so powerful-- here's a link to it. Man it's three years later and Elevation continues to be such a safe place for me. Steven is so great at balancing speaking biblical truth and reminding of us of God's grace. I love his energy and I love walking away feeling challenged, but so so loved. Going to church doesn't have to be a scary thing. Hop on elevationchurch.org and watch a sermon for fifteen minutes. They are life changing. Exodus 20:8 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." 3. Acknowledge it'll take practice.I seriously thought I had only been practicing this for a few months. NOPE, it had been a year. Lol, but I can't explain how nice it feels to write this out and feel CONFIDENT about it. I started out by adding something new every Sunday or month. For instance, those rules, THEY TOOK A LONG TIME to get used to! I hope this guide is helpful if you're wondering how to keep the Sabbath in modern times. *No social media- I was pretty sad without it the first couple Sundays. I imagined hundreds of people would stop following my blog if I wasn't providing updates. HA! Who else is a part of the CRAZZZY overthinking band? Nowadays, I look forward to the one day without it. :) *No work- If I'm home all day, I get SO antsy at night. Also, I have a hard time saying no to people lol. Someone would be like "Hey can you work my Sunday night shift?" and I'd be like YAAAAAAA! Since then, I've gotten better, but I didn't always have that will power. *No homework- For a couple months, I let myself do a few hours of homework on Sunday. If you can spend all hours of daylight doing face masks and listening to worship music: GO AHEAD, but that's not me lol. It felt VERY unnatural to not do these "productive things." However, I slowly removed all three from my Sunday routine and I've never felt more refreshed. Do you remember that verse? About loving things of this world? 1 John 2:15 "Do not love the world or the things in the world. For all that is in the world--the desires of the flesh and the desires of eyes and pride of life-- is not from the Father but is from the world." 4. Plan to meet up with someone.This is one of the hardest lessons I've learned about Sundays. When I wake up, there's a lot of days where I'm like eh, I don't wanna leave the house. Although, when I'm home for hours and then don't do anything at night--I get super sad. If this doesn't happen to you, BY ALL MEANS, STAY HOME ALL DAY. Also, that is dope because I totally wanna be like that. However, I believe God wants us to use this time to rest in our family and friendships as well. To enjoy one another and not think, "okie I can only hang 30 more minutes because I have to work on that paper." It allows me to actively listen and concentrate on relationships that matter. Since becoming a momma, things have changed with this a little bit. I can stay home for a few days in a row without needing to get out. Probably since there's not a lot of time to feel trapped when you have a two year old, lol. However, we've still be taking drives to Sonic if we didn't get out of the house yet. Loud music, sunsets, and ice cream. What things will make you look forward to Sunday? Jeremiah 17:22 "And do not carry a burden out of your house on the Sabbath or do any work..." 5. Finish those weekly to-do's you didn't get to.This past Sunday, I cleaned my room, put together a meal plan, and folded laundry. If I don't have many leftover tasks, I scribble down some goals for the upcoming week. For blogging, I like to start emailing tourism boards/hotels early on, so I may say, "Email two hotels this week." For seeing friends, I may write down, "Try that new diner for breakfast." I'd like to add if you don't feel like looking at your planner, shove it in a cupboard. Your mental space is much more important than a pretty checklist. Maybe look for any appointments on Monday and then put it aside for the day. I've done this a few weekends now and I'm always so thankful I do it. You can open it back up on Monday and fill things in, nothing is too urgent. When you use a planner routinely, it can become a little heavy to open sometimes. Do a task, then do the next, hang with your kids, breathe, and take a nap! Want to make a goal for starting a new bible plan? Here's Five Bible Plans That'll Kick Your Butt. 6. Look at my weekly expenses.Can I cut back somewhere? Are there any unnecessary items on my grocery list? Was I intentional with giving this week? I also like to pen in a few boxes in the margins of my planner, to track my "no spend" days. In addition to that, I like to keep tally of how much I do actually "spend" during the week on fun things. Knowing a number, makes it easier to spend less the next week. One new thing I've been doing is budgeting our groceries. I love Jamerrill Stewart of Large Family Table! She goes grocery shopping once a month with an additional small trip if needed! I have been living by this system and probably will NEVER go back. This saves us gas on going to the store (we live outside of town) and I use Walmart pickup, since it's easier that way with Trax. So far, I've knocked our monthly budget down to $425. Our family consists of me, our almost two year old, and my husband! I know some families have gotten theirs down to $100 per person, which is amazing. The $425 though also consists of any household items as well. Our range is probably around $125 each at this point, with $50 worth of household items. I'm proud of it and excited to cut it down if we need too in the near future! 7. How can I take better care of myself this week?I've started a little routine for after I shower: 30 second plank + sit ups for one minute. Sunday, I added three sets of squats to my routine. It's not much, but it makes the world of a difference. Plus, it helps me be extra tired so I can fall asleep easier at night! (Raise yo hand if you feel like you're alwayyyyys working on your sleep schedule ugh) How I stretch my body has changed a little since I wrote this post. As of now, every other day I do yoga or take a walk. When I do yoga, I set my timer for 17 minutes and spend about 10 minutes doing my favorite poses. At the seven minute mark, I do a squat/ arm exercise/ pushup/ and situp combo. My fav yoga videos right now are from Yoga with Bird on Youtube. She is life changing when it comes to teaching how to be in tune with your body and doing poses that you feel like you can manage. She's so DOPE. Don't let this intimidate you though. Whenever I take time off from exercising, I only start with the yoga and maybe a few pushups. The fifteen minutes is where it helps a lot! Rarely can I say, "I don't have time,' because it's a short time frame. This has made me stay on top of moving my body and not putting too much pressure on myself! 8. Pick one way I can serve this week.I like to pen these into my planner. If I don't get to it, I normally have time on Sunday to plug that in. A few examples are:
These days, serving looks different, but that doesn't mean it should be forgotten! With a little one running around, I try to think of something I can do for our family while he's napping like mowing or running the dishwasher. At the same time, I'm setup to give monthly to someone interning at a local church for their monthly expenses. This is another great scenario for me because I do not have to leave my house to make these payments! That being said, I do think it'd be fun to incorporate an example from above into my life again. Maybe every other month? That could be a fun goal. 9. Do something for yourself, without multitasking.I'm hesitant to use the words "self-care" because a lot of people just killed it for me. I'm definitely one for investing in yourself, but lose the drama, it's not about you all the time. In our generation, multitasking is the key to hustling through school and getting that degree or promotion. I think it's important to do one thing and one thing only every once in awhile. Have you ever tried a face mask without scrolling through Pinterest? Or watching a movie without also filling out a job application? I've failed to do this plenty of times, but I believe it's high time I get to it. How do you do something 100% if your attention is split three ways? AH I'M SO STOKED THIS BABY IS LIVE! Been sitting on it for a YEAR. There's so many benefits to keeping the Sabbath, I hope you feel inspired to try some of these habits. I'd love to hear about what you plan for your Sabbaths. This guide is helpful for people who are single, dating, or married! I've implemented these rules while doing all three, so I hope you find a habit or two you'd like to try! Let me know below which ones you do because I'M CURIOUS. :) For more inspiration, check out my Pinterest! Related posts:
If there's anything I want to know before a trip, it's how I can do it for less money. In the beginning of June, I set out to Wyoming to visit some of the coolest national parks in the country. During my trip, I learned some of the best ways to save a dollar while national park hopping. This week I'm talking about the greatest ways to save in Yellowstone. Whose ready to do Yellowstone on a budget? Here's Five Money-Saving Tips for Yellowstone You Need to Know... 1. Where to stay:To save money, I would definitely consider camping inside the park or staying at a hotel in a nearby town. Lodging inside the park starts at $200 a night on weekdays and this is booking one year in advance. Camping would be the cheapest route. Their nightly rate starts at $25.25 on a weekday and this is booking a month in advance as well. As much as I love camping, I went to the park alone so I wasn’t gonna try to do that lol! Although, my hotel was SUPER close to the park and BEYOND what I expected. I stayed at Sawtelle Mountain Resort in Island Park, ID for $191 (with tax), which is about 35 minutes from the West Yellowstone Entrance. I did choose the deluxe room option because it wasn’t much more! Damn though, it was the perfect room to relax and crash. AND HOW ABOUT THIS BATHROOM?! Kinda felt like I was at a Ritz. 2. Entry:If you plan on visiting three or more national parks this year, I’d purchase an America the Beautiful pass. The pass is $80, so if you think about it, you’d spend $90 to visit three national parks for full price. With this pass, you have access to ALL national parks. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a better deal. *I bought mine with cash at the Moran Entrance Station in Grand Teton. 3. What to eat:If you’re camping, try to bring as much food as possible. The park does have a few general stores, but buying the bulk of your groceries here may be overwhelming and expensive. If you’re staying outside of the park, I would bring along a few meals as well. There isn’t a super great selection of hot food, unless you can live off of hotdogs and cold pretzels. Inside their lodges, they have a few restaurants, so eating one meal in the park could be manageable. 4. Map out your itinerary:If you only have 24-48 hours, map out your day’s itinerary. I GET IT. Let’s just show up and be flexible. Trust me, I thought that too. I JUST WANNA GO WHERE THE ROAD TAKES ME. If you have a week to spare, go ahead, do that. If not, you need a plan. This isn’t a theme park, everything is spread out. And by spread out I mean MILES apart. Therefore, collect your “must sees” and form an itinerary based on every site’s location. I wasted SO much gas. Don’t be me. *Click here to download the map. 5. Skip Tower FallSkip Tower Fall if you aren’t ready to hike. I arrived here around midday (after been hiking since 6am) and I was not about to use the rest of my energy to walk to the bottom of this thing. I walked to the observer deck and after the hourish drive, I was kind of disappointed. If you’re in town for 24 hours, don’t waste gas on the drive there, it’s pretty out of the way. For 48 hours, decide if this is gonna be your “hiking” site, because going to get a glimpse, isn’t worth it. Extra tips:
Whose ready to go to Yellowstone and NOT BREAK THE BANK? All y'all better be raising your hand. I hope these tips help you plan a crazy fun trip that's REASONABLY priced! :) *If you have a money-saving tip I didn't mention, DROP IT BELOW! I know I'll be going back. *What's your favorite Yellowstone site and WHY? |
November 2024
Travel bucket list:Countries visited: 5states left: 11Up next: |